When the announcement was made on Friday, I was shaking...
“I am the one whose voice can change the world.”
After two months of vigilance and hard work, the seventh and eighth grade students of ACS saw their efforts come to life in an amazing Evening of the Arts, March 5. Last Thursday evening, the elementary auditorium was full of sincere honesty and generosity as the ACS community gathered to hear the hearts and minds of the Class of 2013 and 2014. Audience members were entertained, challenged and moved by the “Voices of Our Youth” and their desire to improve the lives of the children of Virgen de Fatima Orphanage in Obrajes. Because of the hard work of our seventh and eighth grade students and the generosity of many throughout the Zona Sur, over $2,300 was raised and over 5,500 diapers were donated to improve children’s lives in our local community.
If you would like to continue supporting the seventh and eighth graders in their quest to aid the children of Virgen de Fatima, you can purchase a Voices of Our Youth T-shirt for 70bs or make a donation by emailing Lyndsey Deane at ldeane@acslp.org. If you would like to relive the evening, you can also purchase a VOOY DVD for 50bs by contacting Ms. Deane.
Thank you goes out to our 40 local sponsors as well as the ACS community for supporting this very worthy cause.