Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Bolivian Typhoon!

Well, apparently it is accustom to visiting the beautiful, towering city of La Paz to feel like death within close proximity to arrival, and I was not fortunate enough to avoid such happenings.
I missed my first day of school on Tuesday due to extreme flu like symptoms....whoa! I don't get sick often and it did pass within a little over 24 hours, but the Bolivian flu/altitude sickness is not pretty. I have been told that I need to slow down with working out and just take it easy...I have been running and feeling great and also going to a spinning class with some girls from school...there was also a lovely bug flying around ACS, so it was probably a combination of the two. Either way, most of the symptoms have passed and I am feeling quite a bit better and back into the swing of things. Many people from the school called and offered everything and anything and my amazing maid, Polonia, made me soup and corn bread, as well as some chicken and rice. All easy on the stomach. Coca tea is also a great biproduct of the coca plant that is very medicinal here.

I went to my first espanol lesson today and I will be attending twice weekly, so here we go...I even have homework. I am going with rachel and she has been going for a year now, so I have some catching up to do, but la professora says I'm bien....we shall you can see I didn't put that sentence together (juantas) well, so I'm taking it step by step, hoping to learn as much as I can.
It is exciting to learn! I am headed out again this weekend to Sul y Luna, a small hippieish retreat that is in a much lower altitude of Bolivia, and with that MUCH warmer!!!! Very exciting...remember, it can be in the 30s at night here and up to 70 in the sun during the day...only in the sun though...summer begins Sept. 21!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007


I feel like I have been in La Paz for quite some time. I find myself referring to my place as "home." I am finding myself fairly comfortable at school. It is amazing how easily one can apapt when forced. I wonder if "forced" is the right word, because I chose this and I was not forced, and do not feel that way. (I don't want to give the wrong impression.) What I am saying is, life really isn't that different here. Of course there are changes and I am not home, but home can be a choice. There is never going to be home like the safe and loving environment where I was raised--never. But as I look around and really look, I guess I realize the importance of love and being intentional with those around you. I think those are the essentials of home and I was fortunate enough to have been and continually to be blessed with. I know that I am fortunate to have that because I have seen people all my life without it, yet even more now as I am further away from that home. Somewhere along the line, not only have I been given that love and intentional living, but I was taught it and how to share it and maybe even create it. I think that is why I am ok. I know that I am loved. It breaks my heart that people don't have that. It breaks my heart that kids don't have that, yet I am blessed with the opportunity everyday to share it. I think that is why I do "my job." What's funny is I get paid to do what I think we are all called I pray that we are all feeling that love as well as sharing it, espcially with those who we least desire to share with. The world needs so much, yet if each of us were to show another love in a day, what needs might go away? I am not naively stating that the world's problems will vanish, yet I am saying love can heal wounds and there are multiple ways to love on another. When you look around, I think a little love can go a long way.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

On our way...

Well, it's Saturday morning, I made it through my first week of teaching (happily, I will add) and I sit waiting in my livingroom for Rachel, Steve, J. Gado, J. Worth and her husband, Fred. The six of us are on our way to Lake times. I hope to read, relax, Kayak and just enjoy the landscape. I have only heard good reports, so I am very excited. I will make sure to add photos and get an update to all of you. Thank you for your prayers and all of your support. I know that God is hearing you; it is evident that he is here.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Well, school has started and things are great. The kids are doing well and things are going very smoothly. For all of the new things I have to learn, ther is always someone staopping by and asking how I am or if I need any help. The school runs on a rotating schedule so that the students will receive year round programming instead of concentrated nine week periods. We have A-H days so I don't see every class every day, but I see most 3 days a week for an hour a piece. All classes are actually 65 minutes, no matter the subject. It works well. I like the time periods quite a bit. 90 minutes could be long some days last year and this is enough that you can really get into things and apply what the student is learning, yet not get too bored. The students have been very kind and hardworking so far. I have 2 grade 7 english classes, 2 grade 8 english classes and a rotating 6/7 tech and 8 tech. I teach tech 3 days a week, but see a different group each time and see them all year long.
The ood has been good and I live in an area that I can walk to just about anything that I need. I can go "uptown" which is what we could call "downtown" if I want to get something a little harder to find. There are a couple cool coffeehouses right in the area and also lots of nice little places to eat out. It is chilly in the morning and at night, being that it is winter here. I am receiving some ore furniture for my TV/office room this week as well as my internet connection. I have been using the internet at school. I can do most everything from my laptop b/c the school is wireless. (pretty cool, eh?)
Really though, this is probably the smoothest transition I could imagine. I got to go to a spinning class at a gym on Monday night with some girls from school and went for a 20 minute run yesterday. I also went out looking around and shopping on my own too.
I will probably start my spanish lessons next week. I can get a taxi and get home all by myself, so that is a start.

I hope this finds people well in the states. I think of you all often. It is really wonderful here, I wish that you could all come exerience it. (You're more than welcome.)

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Bolivia pics....

If you haven't seen pics, here are some that you can check out. Hope this works! Cut and paste these into your address bar!

Did you build your house out of bricks?

"I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blown your house down!" Sound familiar? I bet it does and it has always made all cases, until about 8 monthes ago...really maybe before that, but it was then that this idea really came front and center for me. We are supposed to build our lives foundationally. From the beginning, be aware, make a plan, see it through. Brick by brick, you build your life. It makes sense, until someone begins to examine your bricks and want to know why you chose the brand you did? What makes us choose? How do we choose for our futures? From what we hold dear to how we do things and what we buy? Why do you live where you do and spend your time and money in the manner in which you do...why? I don't know is the scary answer that sometimes we are not willing to look at...or no one asked early enough for it not to be as threatening as it may be today. Why? We all have reasons for everything, they may not be good ones, or we may not even realize the reasons for which we act or do not, just that we know is the norm in which we operate. I am asking you. Look at your life. Really look. Do you know why you are ding what you are? Why you act as you do? Why you believe or not? What type of life do you lead? Is is what yo thought? Is it what you wanted? Is it better, worse? More importantly, if you are staring into a mirror and don't know who is looking back...why not ask. It is admirable to ask and examine. It is cowardly to ignore or walk away for another day. That day any come and you truly may not know that person staring back.

I write this because I met a person who lived how she was raised and one day woke up and didn't know why. It's scary not to know yourself and the world doesn't really openly offer time to examine. I'm trying and I will continue. It is sad that our world tells us, bigger, faster, stronger; this is right, that is wrong, Do this, not that...that isn't worth it. How do we know? I don't think that isn't true sometimes, but more times than not, I just follow because I am told it is safe. Safe does not constitute correct. I don't recall Jesus taking the safe path. The path everyone else told him to. So why do we and moreover why has our church become this? Right and wrong...yes and no... Are we followers who are critical thinkers searching for truth...or rule abidding pharisees? Are you asking your God or following your church?
This isn't to say that all church is bad, but more and more I run into people who are religiously maimed, jaded and angry b/c they have been instructed and not aided and guided and discipled in a healthy, honest and open way. God didn't do this...are we the ones that continue to wided the chasm? When the bricks start crumbling what do we have left? Rob Bell in his book, Velvet Elvis, suggests springs and a trampoline instead of bricks and a house...that we should be able to stretch and be flexible...Growth, doesn't growth usually constitute change? And bricks don't change. A common saying I have heard lately is, "The only thing constant in life is change." We are not immortal. We are not all-knowing. I can not create mountains like I see everyday out my windows. A brick can not be it.
I am not proposing an anything goes motto.
I am asking, are we being real...are we living intentionally? Are we using the freewill and minds that God gave us to live as he would have us?

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Are you serious, God?

Every night when I lay down for the night directly above the head of my bed (where you might hang a painting in your bedroom, above your bed) I have a permenant painting, one of mountains over 14,000 feet tall and covered in the lights of small homes and businesses. I found myself saying last night as I laid down, "Are you serious? You made those?" Wow. School was a little intense yesterday, lots to do and students arrive on Monday. More meeting the rest of the week, but time to be in our classrooms as well. Everyone at the school is extremely kind. Most of them have been to at least one other international school, so they understand what it is like to be all senses. Just as I was writing this, two ladies from the elemntary (which is all the campus) cam over to ask me about church asn youth group. :) It was great to hear from them and I think we may start a book study as well (with the ladies) I told them I wanted to make sure that I could handle things before I committed to anything, but that I def. wanted to be again, I come back to the statement...are you serious, God. He is so big and such a provider. I have been praying for community, for others Christians and they come walking into my room. How awesome. Matt. 7:7, ask and it will be given unto you, knock and the door will be answered. My door was opened and these ladies came straight through it. So right when I start getting a little worried, he is right there, holding me tight. Well...time to work, i have a meeting in a half an hour. Blessings to all of you.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Settling in...

Well, it has been said that Jessica (the new guidance counselor) and I, have accomplished more than most in our first two days here. Today is day 3 and I am writing from my classroom. I have been to the crazy black market and got all my appliances, TV, DVD, Iron, Toaster, Microwave, Coffee Marker and to the grocery store...I felt like I was there forever. Everyone is SOOOO kind and very helpful. Jessica is fluent in espanol so that makes my life easier. I am looking to get into classes asap. I have already learned a lot just being here. I am posting more pics to my facebook, so if you can get on, that is the place to see some more pics....I am trying to figure our an easier way to post for all to see. I am very excited about school. we begin meeting tomorrow and the students come on Monday...can we say time crunch? There is quite a bit to get accomplished. Lucky, I can use materials from home. Peter, the principal and superintendent, invited us over for dinner last night. Rachel and Steve were there as well as jessica and the other tech teacher, his wife and kids. The food was amazing and the company was great. It was good to see how laid back and caring the community is. Also, I went to church yesterday which brought tears to my eyes. I felt so somfortable and so at home. I think I am going to find a home there. It was a great mix between tradition and contemporary worship. Take care...Adios.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Let the Adventure begin!

And it has...all of the flights were gret until the actual flight to Bolivia...there was an anouncement of a possible strike and we were told that we would not be flying to La Paz and then the airline "pulled some strings" and flew us to Santa Cruz first and then to La Paz. Our departure time was supposed to be 11:05....we left Miami @ 1:40. We ended up in La Paz around 11 am, so much for 5:35am, but we got lots of sleep, got throgh customs and to my new place...very cute. I met my maid, very nice, Polonia, and I am at Steve and Rachel's now. We just ate lunch and are on our way to the market to buy some necessities. It beautiful here...a lot to get used to. If you wnt to check out the school you can go to
Blessings to you all.