Saturday, August 11, 2007

Did you build your house out of bricks?

"I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blown your house down!" Sound familiar? I bet it does and it has always made all cases, until about 8 monthes ago...really maybe before that, but it was then that this idea really came front and center for me. We are supposed to build our lives foundationally. From the beginning, be aware, make a plan, see it through. Brick by brick, you build your life. It makes sense, until someone begins to examine your bricks and want to know why you chose the brand you did? What makes us choose? How do we choose for our futures? From what we hold dear to how we do things and what we buy? Why do you live where you do and spend your time and money in the manner in which you do...why? I don't know is the scary answer that sometimes we are not willing to look at...or no one asked early enough for it not to be as threatening as it may be today. Why? We all have reasons for everything, they may not be good ones, or we may not even realize the reasons for which we act or do not, just that we know is the norm in which we operate. I am asking you. Look at your life. Really look. Do you know why you are ding what you are? Why you act as you do? Why you believe or not? What type of life do you lead? Is is what yo thought? Is it what you wanted? Is it better, worse? More importantly, if you are staring into a mirror and don't know who is looking back...why not ask. It is admirable to ask and examine. It is cowardly to ignore or walk away for another day. That day any come and you truly may not know that person staring back.

I write this because I met a person who lived how she was raised and one day woke up and didn't know why. It's scary not to know yourself and the world doesn't really openly offer time to examine. I'm trying and I will continue. It is sad that our world tells us, bigger, faster, stronger; this is right, that is wrong, Do this, not that...that isn't worth it. How do we know? I don't think that isn't true sometimes, but more times than not, I just follow because I am told it is safe. Safe does not constitute correct. I don't recall Jesus taking the safe path. The path everyone else told him to. So why do we and moreover why has our church become this? Right and wrong...yes and no... Are we followers who are critical thinkers searching for truth...or rule abidding pharisees? Are you asking your God or following your church?
This isn't to say that all church is bad, but more and more I run into people who are religiously maimed, jaded and angry b/c they have been instructed and not aided and guided and discipled in a healthy, honest and open way. God didn't do this...are we the ones that continue to wided the chasm? When the bricks start crumbling what do we have left? Rob Bell in his book, Velvet Elvis, suggests springs and a trampoline instead of bricks and a house...that we should be able to stretch and be flexible...Growth, doesn't growth usually constitute change? And bricks don't change. A common saying I have heard lately is, "The only thing constant in life is change." We are not immortal. We are not all-knowing. I can not create mountains like I see everyday out my windows. A brick can not be it.
I am not proposing an anything goes motto.
I am asking, are we being real...are we living intentionally? Are we using the freewill and minds that God gave us to live as he would have us?


Doby said...

Oh my gosh lyns this is alot to take in. It's also a subject that I could talk or argue about for a long time and it would take up a whole page and then some so maybe we could discuss this later.

ldeane said...

i would love to....that's my point, it needs discussing.

Unknown said...

speaking the truth - in love.
My friend Craig and I started a potluck for this very reason. So many of our friends have been hurt by the church, we wanted to open a venue where Christians and non-Christians could get together and be themselves. We crave community and intentionally set it up, practice hospitality, and develop relationship.
At this point, given the choice between rubbing elbows with C's vs non-C's, I tend to choose non-C's. It is something you will have to add to your more than busy time here in OH when you visit. too bad you are not here for it now.
I could go on, but it would then be longer than your original blog, and I don't know the rules about all that.