Saturday, September 15, 2007


Holy smokes, Batman! I just finished, The Coffeehouse Gospel- Mattehw Paul Turner and it was really all that I had hoped. Of course I did think that he glossed over a few topics that I thought he could have elaborated on a bit more, but thinking about it, I am ok with it. Why, because he is speaking about the gospel, how to share it and what it is to share it. The thing is, I think the problem isn't that we don't have the answers, but that we as Christians as a whole try to have all the answers. We try (as do many in life, believers or non-believers) try to package up life into a nice gift box, intricately wrapped with a beautiful bow. Sometimes, most of the time, life doesn't have a beautiful bow, let alone a nice gift box. Life is life, what is happening when you are planning, I have been told. The gospel is the story of a man who lived life and gave up his life so that we could have everlasting life. That is a lot and not that simple. Life is happens everyday and everyone living it has a similar story, but we do God, the creator of life, an injustice when we don't stop to listen and respect people's stories of life. He loves all of us, each one of us and so many times we are run by our agendas and not by our hearts (the one God gave us) and we miss....miss what, life and with it the gospel. It's everyday: Hurt, Love, Redemption, Truth. No pretty box. God has given us life and with that a story, of how he works in that life that he was so kind to give us. He also gave us two ears which is one more than the one mouth we all have as humans (unless you are a special model). Am I using my body proportionately? Not always.
Humans want to live; we want to connect and we want to be heard...all of us. So the question is, are we listening? God listens, he is the best listener of all, he knows all languages, he hears the unspoken. I don't think that I use the abilities or tools that He has given me enough or in the right ways. Sharing the gospel isn't always about giving...I think sometimes it is about waiting and taking part. St. Francis of Assisi is quoted in the book, "At all times share the Gospel and when necessary use words." Be present. The Lord is always present, and there were few times when he was present here on earth that He actually spoke to large crowds. He was relational, He was invested, He was present. Are you rushing through your day, watching the time tick by and worried about deadlines? Or are you living, flexible and present? I want to be present.


Jessica said...

:-D I want to be present, too, Lynds. Thanks for the summary of the book, and for the truth of the Gospel. :-)

Doby said...

Hey it sounds like a great book I'm reading a book now and it's amazing so I'll send it to you when I'm finished.

Ben said...

There is a lot of truth in that book. I think I might go re-read it...

Hope Bolivia is freakin' rocking your face off Lindsey. Know that you are loved.

Unknown said...

Oh Deannnnie!
I miss you! Awww, my little baby chubby puppy...(see me squeezing your cheeks). I had the wrong blog address! So, I've been waiting for WEEKs for megs to get on the ball! :)
Hi. I miss you. Mwoah. smooches from malone. :)

Unknown said...

I miss singing with you and laughing with you... you're turning into quite the preacher.

What do you miss? Can I send you something?

Unknown said...

true, very true - and so good to hear. I really think there is going to be a shift in the basics of the Christian faith in our generation, and this is going to be a huge part of it.

I am going to look for it next time I am in a store. They do have those around here somewhere.

joeldaniel said...

if we box God up, it's a lot easier to fit him into just a few of the compartments of our lives, rather than have him own the whole thing.


why is it so hard to "live for the moment." it seems like i'm constantly fighting that tension of dreaming about the future (and wishing it were now) and being content with what is. i never want to become satisfied and complacent, but i wish i could stop being so bent on thinking that the next...moment, plan, possibility, whatever...will be the final answer