Friday, June 29, 2007

We're Here!

After roughly 19 hours of travel...An hour from Chicago to Detriot...13 from Detriot to Toyko and 2 from Tokyo to Busan, we are here. We really had to hussle through Tokyo, almost missed our flight, yet are here in one piece. What is funny is that even this blog site is being processed in Korean...crazy. The city seems fairly large and modern. Our hotel is very nice, except that there will be 13 people in one room. Here's to what God has in store. The group is doing well and the flights were nice. The food was even good. It is about a 13-14 hour difference. Love you all. will talk soon.


Doby said...

SO its like 3am there right now. But I'm gald you had a nice flight and the food was good. How in the world are you going to put 13 people in a room. I told everybody about this so we'll see if they write. Have FUN.

ldeane said...

you're the is 6 you time and we just woke up, it is cool that we can talk. I'll try to touch base once a day if i can. you guys are rock stars!

Doby said...

Thanks I and we miss you so much it's going to be weird not seeing you around for awhile. I've got a sweet surprise for you when you get back.

the kilted one said...

we sure are rock stars... |m|, (that's my rock fist.)

Anonymous said...

hey lynds! i'm so glad you made it safely! sorry we didn't get to hang out before you left! i hope you have an awesome time! God is definitely going to do big things through all of you guys! if you run into any bobcats, give em a shout for me!