Sunday, November 4, 2007

Another Look; Another Perspective

Joel arrived on Monday (10-29) late, another great promotion for American Airlines, and sick from bad chicken on the plane, again another great promotion for American, yet excited and ready to experience...most of us in LaPaz already know what a spectacular airline service AA has here in Bolivia, but if you are yet to experience such wonders, don't let it sway you away from visiting. We have had the opportunity to wander through quaint San Miguel, travel up to the more bustling Uptown, and had the wonderful opportunity to visit Isla del Sol, The Island of the Sun, on Lago Titicaca with Rachel, Steve, and his parents. (They were also visiting) It was breathtaking. We visited Moon Island on the way to Sun Island, by way of Hydrofoil. We had a lesson in Inca civilaization and culture as well as the the people of Tiwanacu and their culture.
Back into Copacabana, Joel and I took 45 minutes to climb part of the Andies to the top where lies the Stations of the Cross, another breathtaking view of the city and mountains, high enough to see Peru.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we traveled up to the street markets of Sargonaga to do some bartering. Some outstanding purchases were made!

It has been awesome to have someone from home see the sights, meet the people and breathe the in the high altitude oxygen. I suppose if you know Joel, maybe you should ask him about his experience and his reflections, but I can tell you from this side of things, it was great having him.

He came to school each day, for at least a bit, and as he came, his popularity grew, I think every eighth grader knew his name, as well as some seventh graders. There were even some eighth grade girls who grew to recognize him before myself. (I think if he would have stayed longer, they may have just forgotten my name, due to his popuarity.) I do have to say that we are 2-0 against a group of eighth grade boys in basketball...and they want to know when he is returning for another rematch. Ha!
Joel also had the opportunity to meet the hs bible study girls and was kind enough to lead some worship for us, another great evening.
Throughout all this, we still had time to meet all the friends, lay low and even watch a little West Wing, to which I am now addicted...Joel left season one for me to finish. good times.
All this to say, who wouldn't want to come to Bolivia? You're all welcome.


Doby said...

I'll be there

ldeane said...

I hope so Doby, i really hope so, you are always welcome!!!