Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Sometimes, well most of the time, I find my job very amusing, even astonishing. (If you are a fellow teacher, you know where I am coming from.) The students I have this year really like to learn, and some of them are arriving at the realization that learning is a lot more than a 6 and a half hour day and some books. There are many reasons why I am amused throughout the day, but really when it comes down to it, I think it is the pure fact that we teach within four walls and through printed text. That is the last place from which I think my students are actually learning. (Did I just knock my own teaching skills...stick with me.)
Yes, the written word is powerful, but it is the topic of the words that make it so. Life is the true lesson and it is enlightening to watch a student build his/her bridges from books to reality and consistently travel upon them.

I had my grade 8 tech students utilize and analyze a new form of analysis called Tag Clouds. (They're pretty cool, you can check them out @ Each student had to decide on an essential question he/she wanted answered and use a tag cloud to analyze a speech as well as a popular song of his/her choosing and explain how the tag cloud was a useful form of analysis or not, as well as the outcome of his/her analysis.

One of my young ladies chose the song, "Unwritten" by Natasha Benningfield. (I'm not sure on the spelling of her name) The results of her analysis were that the meaning of the song was about the unwritten lessons of life and the great importance of those lessons in each of our lives. I was blown away to hear a girl of fourteen confidently speak such truth-what a pleasure.

I have the opportunity to learn everyday and grow. And I enjoy everyday that I get to wake up and be honestly challenged, knowing that my students really do what to know, and they really do desire to live well. I don't challenge the value of the written word, but as I said and my students have reminded me, life is meant to be lived, and some of our most important lessons are "unwritten".

1 comment:

Jessica said...

That is an AWESOME idea for a project! I wish my 2nd graders were more techno-savvy or that I had more time with them in the computer lab. That is so neat. Thanks for sharing...I might have to steal it in the future. ;-) <3