Wednesday, July 11, 2007


so a lot of you are wondering what I am doing on campuses in the Chicagoland area. Well, we are chekcing them out. Seeing where people are, what the campus is all about and looking to see if there is a need or how great of a need for Cru there. A lot of times colleges, ok all the time, everywhere, colleges/universities are full of young men and women tryng to determine what they are going to do with the rest of their lives and they don't even know who they are or what they want to do. Even worse, they are caught in a world of pressure and expectation and they don't even know that there is a God out there that loves them so much and no matter what they do or where they go, He is there, telling them that He loves them. I don't know how I would get through life not knowing that. So We are scouting out campuses to let people know just that. Looking for people that are looking for Christian community and hoping to get something started for them. We are called to be in community and sometimes a college campus can be a hard place to find that. We are trying to make sure that is untrue.


Doby said...

I think what your saying is totally true. I have one particular friend that needs to know the same thing. I have been trying to get her to step into a church for a long time and I think she mght come. right now the only thing I can do is pray about it.

ldeane said...

And that is where the truth lies--in prayer. The Lor will handle it and secure it as only He can and He will. We are just his workers.