Saturday, July 21, 2007

transition and reflection

What do I take with me? How can I explain to you how important this was in my life and others' lives? I pray that God will provide those words. If you have been checking in with my journey, I sadly tell you today, that this part of the journey is over, which in turn begins another. A friend told me, "All change is loss and loss has to be grieved." This doesn't mean that the loss is bad, but change does mean that something is going away. And for me, I will never forget Chicago or these people who have left footprints on my heart.
The question still stands; as I look at my "loss" what will I take with me?
A: That God is bigger, bigger than all we know, bigger than all battles we fight, than all love we feel. I will take with me the passion I saw in my friends, my brothers and sisters in Christ;Their passion for all to know the Love and Acceptance of Jesus Christ. I sometimes get scared of being "that persecting, pushy Christian" hurting someone's feelings by talking about God--How silly? God loves and provides, he offers himself to us and it is my job to let others make a decision about accepting that offer. I just put it on the table. All people deserve that offer of eternal life here on earth and in heaven. All. I hope that my words can give you even a small drop of the blessing that the Lord has poured out upon me. In doing His work and blesssing His name, He fills us to overflowing with all blessing. Thank you for coming along with me on this journey. Luckily for me, each day is another blessed journey with my God who loves me like a father, walks with me like a friend and has saved me, like only Jesus, the Son of God can.


joeldaniel said...

have a safe trip good to hear about the awesome things you've been experiencing.

Doby said...

You have definently TOUCHED LIVES. have a safe trip home and welcome back we all look forward to seeing you.