Monday, July 9, 2007

The Real World - Christian style

Yes, that is the title, The Real World, Christian style. This is amazing. the people, the place, the experience, the God that is present. I know that God is always present, it is we who are not. Christian community is a blessing. To be surrounded by other young believers in a community open to asking and seeking is awesome. If the world could look like this. We are from all over the country and we have the common ground of God. It is interesting to hear people's stories and for people to really want to hear yours and intentionally are trying to improve themselves and those around them. Like is hard, we are imperfect and we only have so much time to make it better. Why not take advantage of it. And to be in a community that wants the best. For all to be loved and valued. How can I create this in other places, a caring, honest community with people seeking truth. It's beautiful. There is less anger and less negativity, because we are all looking to God for the better. Can it continue? Can this grow? And I feel like this is such a small part of what God really has for us. I am so little and have so much to learn. I pray that God continues to blow my mind and that he can do the same for everyone else, that he would just reveal himself so that people could realize (including me) how big our God is and how much He really has for us and desires for us. It's like when you know something and you are passionate about it and just want everyone to understand and they just aren't getting it, or aren't understanding. I can only think how frustrated God must be when we aren't getting it or even more we are are then we turn and do something completely different simply because we are selfish. I only hope that I can take pieces of this with me home and to Bolivia...that God continues to widen my perspective and surround me with believers and people wanting more so that I can continue to live in such a growing and seeking community. If this sounds good to you, I encourage you to pray for this in your life. It is really amazing.


Doby said...

All of this sounds amazing. I totally get what you're saying that we pretty much take everything for granted. Especially when it comes to our faith and God.

Megs said...

Wow... Lynds your heart-beat can be heard loud and clear. It's so encouraging to read how God is streching and challenging you, and in turn challenging us. I'm thankful for your experience... not only how it's changing you, but how the effect it has on you will help to change us all. love you....

Ben said...

Hi-Five for God from your favorite room mate!!