Tuesday, July 31, 2007

to be continued...

The title explains it all, I guess. Even more than the words, the punctuation seems to sum it all up right now. It has been good to be home, but I know that the next step is imminent and it is needed. Bolivia is quickly approaching. I have a countdown on my facebook page...part of the reason it is there is so I can have a reality check daily of the time passing and the tasks that need to be accomplished as the time goes by. And truly, it is a reality check that it is time to go and it really is coming. Bolivia is no longer a conversation, but a reality. The Lord has provided me with an amazing, and I am sure, life-changing adventure and I am ready to embark in to the next chapter of our journey together. I think I year ago I would have used the phrase, "the next chapter of MY life," but if I have learned anything, I know now and live more confidently in the truth that this is a journey that I am not in control of. I am learning relience and dependency. (Something if you know me, I am not good at.) So here's the learning and running the race. I pray that as I go, more and more people might know the truth and grace of Jesus Christ. All I have is my life and somehow I am in a "Here am I, send me" situation. (He snuck up and got me when I wasn't looking) I praise God for it. I know that He will use me, but I know even more over that He is going to teach me.


Doby said...

As much as I and the rest of the group here at home are going to miss you. Those kids in Bolivia need someone like you to help them along. You will be the one to change their life and right now you're the one they're waiting on. So go get em and rock it out.

Megs said...

Wow... I'm going to miss you... but I know that God will bless you as you go.

Megs said...

By the way... could you let me know when you make it there safely!? :) Much love BFF!