Monday, July 2, 2007

day 3- the koreans arrived!

wow...yesterday the Koreans came...yes, the first two days were to get us settled nad last night there was a parade of nations and 127 countries were represented and more...the more being countries that are not allowed to have photos of the them taken or have directly labels from their country because they will face harsh persecution upon there arrival in there home country. To flag after flag pass by brought tears to my eyes. I was surrounded by 18000 people from different coutries and wewere all in one place, peacefully worshipping a god that is so big. What a history lesson. amazing. There are 41 staff people in inodensia that are currenly imprisioned and their trial starts today. 41 people, jailed because os standing up for what they believe in, standing up for a god that loves. The Lorean people have been through so much historically as a country nad as individuals...and their faith and prayer is breathtaking. through prayer and faith, every college campus in south korea has a campus crusade. every one. It started in 1954, whe the country was still in destruction. If you could see it now. the people are so nice. the city is so accomodating. I listened to a korean man tell about god, his faith, his life and what he has seen...all in korean, with a translator, to hear such truth in a completely different language, and to watch as people of all countries reacted as they got the translation....there is no mistake, the gospel is true. i am really astonished. wow.


Doby said...

Wow all of what your saying just makes me want to be there more and more. It sounds like your having a wonderful time. Tell Matt I sais Hi and that we miss him too.

TyKomjati said...

amazing... it's so easy for us to feel like we face persecution here because people might refer to us as "crazy Jesus people." we really have no idea, do we! i'm reading 2 Timothy right now, where Paul calls us to suffer for the Gospel. the people you're talking about are real warriors for the Gospel. i'm amazed. thank you for sharing that with us!